The instruments

The pianos

Pianoforte Grancoda Steinway&Sons 1952 – Serial number 339093
Donated by the Cassa di Risparmio di Trento bank and renovated in 2007 by Strinasacchi (Andrea Debiasi-Lorenzo Cerneaz)

Pianoforte Grancoda Steinway&Sons 2016 – Serial number 603238
Purchased in Hamburg from Steinway&Sons

Grand Piano Bechstein – Serial number 72839
Purchased around 1960 from the Baisi family (from Brentonico), a villa in Piazzetta Negrelli in Trento next to the Modl family. The two families were chamber music lovers and met regularly to play their music to friends. The grand piano is now located in the Sala degli Artisti “Artist Room” on the upper floor of the Filarmonica.

The strings

The new string quintet, winner of the contest “I suoni del legno 2020” (the sounds of wood) organized by the Società Filarmonica di Trento.
The winners were:
1 violin and 1 viola made by Gianmaria Stelzer
1 violin made by Andrea Giovannetti
1 violoncello made by Nicola Segatta
1 contrabass made by Cristiano Scipioni

And the following instruments have been purchased:
1 violin Gerardo Mereu
1 viola Luca Olzer


Legacy prof. Marco Anzoletti


After his passing, Professor Marco Anzoletti bequeathed his extensive collection of music, including both printed and handwritten compositions, his correspondences, critical writings, and the invaluable Paganinian documents, to the Società Filarmonica di Trento. Additionally, his assets and potentially a portion of his archive were left to his talented pupil. In the late 1940s, when the Filarmonica entrusted its musical archive to the municipal Library in Trento, the Anzoletti legacy found its place in the Library, where it remains to this day. The collection has been meticulously cataloged and is now readily accessible to the public. Moreover, within Marco Anzoletti’s legacy were his cherished musical instruments, which are currently safeguarded by the Filarmonica.

The instruments are:

1  first violin from the 17th century, not signed, of a discrete quality;
1 second violin;
1 violoncello also from the 17th century “Grancino”, also used by Marco Anzoletti’s father;
1 viola Aristide Cavalli, approx. 1900

Legacy Lunelli Family

Renato Lunelli (Trento 1895 – 1967) and his son Clemente Lunelli (Trento 1929 – 1995) held utmost significance and influence in the field of musicology for the Trentino region. Renato Lunelli, in particular, is owed a debt of gratitude by the entire nation of Italy for his pioneering work in establishing and promoting the discipline of organ studies. Both father and son played active and prominent roles within the Filarmonica.

Following their passing, in accordance with their wishes, the heirs, primarily Angiola Lunelli, the daughter and sister, generously donated the comprehensive library and musical archives to the city library of Trento. However, certain noteworthy musical instruments remained in the Lunelli family’s residence in Povo. In 2016, during an informal conversation with Angiola Lunelli, Antonio Carlini informed her about the Filarmonica’s willingness to receive and showcase the Fortepiano by Antonio Martinelli (1832) and the Fuchss Clavichord (although he did not mention the splendid positive organ by Carlo Prati). Delighted by the prospect, Ms. Lunelli happily decided to donate these two instruments, which held cherished memories of countless hours spent listening to and playing on them within the family. Consequently, the Filarmonica took custody of and placed the two instruments in its esteemed halls.


Fortepiano Martinelli Brothers, Caldonazzo 1832
The instrument which is now kept at the Filarmonica is the only known piece produced by the Martinelli brothers of Caldonazzo in Trentino. In 1923, when it was acquired by the organist Renato Lunelli, it was property of a family in Mezzolombardo (Trentino). In 2018 with a generous gift, the Lunelli heirs through Professor Angiola Lunelli, donated the fortepiano to the Filarmonica which keeps it amongst its musical assets.
It is an important and elegant instrument: a Fortepiano or Pedal Piano of six and a half octaves, with 6 pedals ((soft (sordina), bassoon (fagotto), loud (forte), celeste I & II, drum (tamburo) and bells ( campanello)) of which the original structure is in discreet condition.. The manufacture is attested by the inscription above the keyboard: “1832 fabbrica dei Fratelli Martinelli di Caldonazzo”. It’s a very rare example, witness of a just as rare local trentino handycraft in the field of music. As Renato Lunelli wrote: the Martinelli piano has great affinity with the instruments built by Johann Georg Grober from Innsbruck who reached great notoriety in Vienna, also as an organist.
The instrument has not been played on for many years. In the course of time it has only seen some rare repair works mainly to the “strumentini” connected to the pedal board. It now needs a significant restoration.

The Fuchss 1781 clavicord

Clavichord signed by “Joh. Anton Fuchss Orgl und Clavicer Macher in Innsbruck 1781”.
In the first half of the 20th century the instrument was owned by a family in Tione (Trentino). Acquired by Renato Lunelli, it was donated to the Filarmonica by Angiola Lunelli in 2017 together with the Martinelli Fortepiano. It is a Viennese clavichord with a keyboard of 5 octaves, long 132 cm, wide 49,5 cm and with a band height of 13,5 cm. The instrument has seen several attempts of restoration which must now be concreted and completed.
It is an important witness of the vast presence of these small keyboard instruments with noble and wealthy families in Trentino, often used by professional musicians for rehearsals at home. Many archives show them in testaments and inventories. From the end of the 16th century to the start of the 18th century, at least a hundred of these instruments are documented.


Set of timpani from the 19th century.
Towards 1850, when the Filarmonica reinvigorated its orchestra, performing regularly in the Teatro Sociale and in the Cathedral, the Direction decided to acquire a set of timpani, at that time the most modern, with a membrane tightener to regulate the intonation. After a recent restoration, the timpani play perfectly.


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