Great guest artists of the Società Filarmonica join the Conservatorio di Trento in an open-door international cello masterclass. Are you a cellist? Take part in the Trento Cello Ensemble and play at the final concert.
Timetable and venue:
24 September:
09.00 – 14.00 Natalie Clein
14.00 – 19.00 Kyril Zlotnikov
at Conservatorio F. A. Bonporti, Via S. Giovanni Bosco 4, Trento
20.00 – 23.00 Trento Cello Masterclass ensemble
at Società Filarmonica di Trento, Via Verdi 30, Trento
25 September:
09.00 – 14.00 Natalie Clein
14.00 – 19.00 Kyril Zlotnikov
20.00 – 23.00 TCM ensemble
at Società Filarmonica di Trento, Via Verdi 30, Trento
26 September:
09.00 – 11.00 Natalie Clein
11.00 – 13.00 Kyril Zlotnikov
at Conservatorio F. A. Bonporti, Via S. Giovanni Bosco 4, Trento
20.00 – 23.00 Concerto finale
at Società Filarmonica di Trento, Via Verdi 30, Trento
Active participant: €300*
(* for conservatory students from Trento and Riva del Garda, the registration fee is free if made no later than July 31, 2022.) Please fill out the form on the right.
Places available: 10
Student auditor registration: free of charge
Unlimited posts.
You can take part and play in the TCM ensemble free of charge.
Fill out the form on the right.

For more info please contact:
Conservatorio di Trento
telephone n° +39 0461231097 and ask for Luca Scalzeri
Seguici su:
Via Giuseppe Verdi, 30
38122 Trento
C.F. 80004030229
P. IVA 00505780221
0461 985244
Orari ufficio:
dalle 9.00 alle 12.30
dal lunedì al venerdì